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Leaving A Substantial Trust Fund For An Autistic Child Elevates The Quality Of Their Long-Term Care. Parents Who Earn A Good Living And Own A Home Should Prioritize Securing A Robust Special Needs Trust For Their Autistic Child Over Their Self- Interests. Unforeseen Challenges Can Occur In The Life Of A Special Needs Person That May Result In Excessive Costs. Having Substantial Funds Available In A Trust And If Possible A Family Residence Can Prevent Poor Outcomes For A Child And Promote The Highest Quality Of Life Possible For Them After Their Parents Pass Away.


Having An Autistic Child Breaks Up A High Percentage Of Marriages. Several Styles Of A Father’s Reaction To The Situation Is Often A Major Cause. Father’s Are Equally Capable Of Proficient Parenting And Advocacy, However, Men Disproportionately Decide Not To Assume The Lead Role. There Are Four Common Roles That Father’s Assume That Strain Or Destroy The Marriage.


Leaving A Substantial Trust Fund For An Autistic Child Elevates The Quality Of Their Long-Term Care. Parents Who Earn A Good Living And Own A Home Should Prioritize Securing A Robust Special Needs Trust For Their Autistic Child Over Their Self- Interests. Unforeseen Challenges Can Occur In The Life Of A Special Needs Person That May Result In Excessive Costs. Having Substantial Funds Available In A Trust And If Possible A Family Residence Can Prevent Poor Outcomes For A Child And Promote The Highest Quality Of Life Possible For Them After Their Parents Pass Away.


The Autism Awareness Movement’s Logo Is An Incomplete Puzzle Needing A Piece To Complete It. However, A New Image Representing Autism, A Maze, Has Emerged And More Closely Represents The Reality Of The Experience Autism. The Neurodiversity Movement Doesn’t Disagrees With The Narrative That Something Is Missing Or Wrong With Them. This Idea Implies There Is A Missing Piece To Them Instead Of Being Seen Whole As They Are.


Weak, Uninvolved, or Abusive Fathering Has A Profoundly Negative Affect On A Son’s Perception Of His Masculinity, Relationship To Women, Career Identity, And Self-Esteem. Inadequate, Insecure Fathers Compete With Their sons Instead Of Helping Them. Inadequate Fathers Engage In Conversations That Judge, Criticize And Discourage Their Sons. Narcissistic Fathers Are Demanding And Inflict Rigid Expectations. A Selfish, Distracted, Peripheral, or Lazy Father Will Eventually Be Rejected By His Son.

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